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- A-R Editions, Inc.
- ABKCO Music, Inc.
- Activist Music LLC
- AdlerOaks Music
- Air Deluxe Music Group
- Alcove Music Publications
- Alea Publishing
- Alexscar Music
- Alfred Music
- Allaire Music Publications
- Alliance Publications, Inc.
- Alpha Major
- Alphonse Leduc-Robert King, Inc
- Alry Publications
- Amare Dromeha
- Amazing Music World
- American Composers Alliance
- American Guild of English Handbell Ringers (AGEHR)
- American Institute of Musicology
- Amherst Early Music
- AMSI (Art Masters Studios Inc.)
- Anglo-American Music Publishers
- Are-Gee-Bee Music, Inc.
- Arsis Press
- Art of Sound Music, LLC
- Arte Tripharia
- Artists in Ministry
- Atlan-Dec Music Publishers
- Augsburg Fortress Publishers
- Avatar Publishing Group, LLC
- Ayotte Custom Music
- Azevedo Music
- Aztigram Music Ltd.
- Baby Munsta
- Baddmoma’s Music
- Baerenreiter Music Corporation
- Barton Music & Affiliates
- Barton Rhodes Press
- Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
- Beckie Publishing Co., Inc.
- Bekool Music
- Bell Tower Publishing
- Belmont Music Publishers
- Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp.
- Benny Davis Music
- Berklee Media
- Big Fish Music
- Big Round Music
- Bill Edwards Publishing
- Birmingham Brown Songs
- Bixio Music Group Ltd.
- BJ Records
- Black Cinderella Productions
- Bluegrass & Cadillacs Record & Publishing, Co.
- Bluewater Music Corporation
- BMG Music Publishing, Los Angeles
- BMG Music Publishing, Nashville
- BMX Entertainment Inc.
- Bob-A-Lew Music
- Boelke-Bomart/Mobart Music Publishers
- Bonded Music
- Boosey & Hawkes, Inc.
- Bouie Publishing Company
- Brass Press
- BrassHeart Music
- Breitkopf & Haertel
- Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.
- Bridgeport Music
- Bright Tunes Music Corp.
- Bring It Back Home Music
- Brockman Music
- Brodt Music Company
- Bronx Flash Music
- Broude Brothers Limited
- Brown Wright Productions
- Brumley Music
- Buckhorn Music Publishing, Inc.
- Buckthorn Music Press
- Butterfly Fuschia Music Co. (BFMC)
- C. Alan Publications
- C. Harvey Publications
- C.F. Peters Corp.
- C.L. Barnhouse Company
- Cafaro Sound
- Calabrese Brothers Music, LLC
- Cambiata Press
- Canorous Music Publishing
- Capitoal Chrisitan Music Group
- Carl Fischer, LLC
- Carlin America, Inc.
- Celebrations Unlimited Music Publishers
- Centerstream Publishing LLC
- Central Juvenile Music
- Charles Colin Publications
- Chartbound Music Publications Ltd.
- Chesky Productions Inc.
- Choraegus
- Choristers Guild
- Church Publishing Inc.
- CITW Productions
- Clarus Music, Ltd.
- Classical Vocal Reprints
- Cliff Starkey Music
- Colla Voce Music, Inc
- Colter’s Corral Music
- Common Mode, Inc.
- Concord Theatricals
- Concordia Publishing House
- Consort Press
- Cool Beans Music, Inc.
- Copperfield Music Group
- Covina High Music
- CPP/Belwin Music
- Curnow Music Press, Inc.
- Dantalian, Inc.
- Darcey Press
- Dasystem
- David E. Smith Publications
- David Romeo Music
- David Rose Publishing Co.
- Dayna Paryss Entertainment Inc.
- de Walden Music International, Inc.
- Deep Listening Publications
- Def Mix Music
- DeFeis Music
- Define Something In Nothing Music
- Del Camino Music Publisher
- Disney Music Publishing
- Dolo Records, Inc.
- Don Robertson Music Corp.
- Don Williams Music Group, Inc.
- Doors Music Company
- Dorn Publications, Inc.
- Doug Beach Music
- Dragon Music Company
- Dreamfire Music, Inc
- Dulcamara Press
- Dunvagen Music Publishers, Inc.
- Dutch Music Partners
- Earthsongs Choral Music
- Eaton Music, Inc.
- ECS Publishing
- Edition Peters
- Editions Orphee, Inc.
- Edward B. Marks Music Company
- Eldridge Publishing Co. Inc.
- Elkin Music International, Inc.
- EMI Christian Music Publishing
- Engraver’s Mark Music
- Ennasor Music Publishing
- Ensemble Publications
- Excelcia Music Publishing, LLC
- Exist To Resist
- Expanded Musical Concepts
- Faber Piano Adventures
- Fame Publishing Co., LLC
- Fancy Pants Music
- Farm Lake Music
- Filmtrax
- FJH Music Company, Inc.
- Flat Town Music Co.
- Flattime Record Publications
- FLi Artists
- Flyback Publishing Company
- Fonzworth Music, Inc.
- Foreign Music Distributors
- Fountain Park Music Publishing
- Four Moons Music Publishing Group
- Frank E. Warren Music Service
- Frank Loesser Literary & Musical Trust
- Frankie Rich Music
- Fred Bock Music Company, Inc.
- Funki-Gruv Music
- G. Ricordi & Co.
- G. Schirmer & Associated Music Publishers
- Gaither Copyright Management
- Galaxy Music Notes
- Gamble-Huff Music
- Gems Music Publications
- Gene Autry Music Group
- GIA Publications, Inc.
- Glad Music Company
- Glen Campbell Music Group
- Global Music, Inc.
- Gospel Music Roundup Publishing
- GPS Music Group
- Graceful Samba Music
- Grandview Island Publishing
- Green Shadow Music
- Greer Productions
- Gregmark Music, Inc.
- Guitar Solo Publications (GSP)
- Gulf Wind Music Press
- Hal Leonard Corporation
- Hallmark Music Co. Inc.
- HaMaR Percussion Publications
- Hamblen Music Company
- Hampshire House Pub Corp
- Handy Brothers Music Co. Inc.
- Hank Thompson Music Co.
- Hannah Lane Music
- Hansen House
- Hazamir Publications
- HD Music Now
- Heemrec Music
- Helene Blue Musique Ltd
- Highland/Etling Publishing
- Hildegard Publishing Company
- Hillcrest Music Corp.
- Hinshaw Music, Inc.
- Hit & Run Music/Hidden Pun Music
- Hochberg Music, Inc.
- Hog River Music
- Hollis Music, Inc.
- Hope Publishing Company
- HoriPro Entertainment Group
- Horton Street Music
- Hummingbird Press
- IDG Publishing
- IMMA Publishing Co.
- Integrity Music, Inc.
- International Church Publications, Inc.
- International Music Co.
- Ipanema Music Corp.
- Irving Berlin Music Company
- Irving Mills Music
- Islip Music Publishing Co.
- Iza Music Corp.
- J & H Publishing Co.
- J. Aaron Brown & Associates
- J. S. Sato Music Editions
- J.S. Paluch Co./World Library Publications
- J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.
- Jabez Press, LLC.
- Jack Music, Inc.
- Jamie Music Publishing Company
- Jan-Lee Music
- Janew Music Publishing
- Jay Gold Music Publishing
- Jay Livingston Music, Inc.
- Jazzbows Inc.
- Jazzlines Publications
- JC Cantin Publishing Co. LLC
- Jenson Publications
- Jerona Music Corp.
- Jerry Bock Enterprises
- Jerry Lee Lewis Music
- JerzyMusic
- Jewel Music Publishing Co., Inc.
- JL Publishing
- Johnny Bienstock Music
- Johnny Bond Publications
- Jubilate Music Group, LLC
- Julie Rose Music, Inc
- K. Benyard Music Company
- Kandinsky Music
- Katcha Music Publishers
- Kelton Publications
- Ken Medema/Brier Patch Music
- Kendor Music, Inc.
- Kent Steel Music Factory
- Keristene Music
- Kithara Editions
- Kobalt Music
- Kreiselman Music Publishing
- L’Oro Music / Gopam Enterprises, Inc.
- Labeth Music
- Lake State Publications
- Language of Soul Publishing
- Larchfork Publications
- Last Resort Music Publishing, Inc.
- Last Warning Music
- Late to the Game Music
- Latitunes Music Publishing
- Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
- LCS Music Group
- LeDor Publishing
- Lee Magid, Inc.
- Leiber & Stoller
- Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Company
- Liben Music Publishers
- Lifeway Christian Resources
- LifeWay Worship Music Group
- Lillenas Publishing Company
- LIM Editrice srl
- Limu Publishing Company
- LIPSERVICES, a div. of T.S.E.C Inc.
- Little Tootsie Music
- Lombardo Music Publications (LMP)
- Lorenz Creative Services
- Lorimar Music Group
- Lovebird Music
- Lowery Group
- Luck’s Music Library Inc.
- Lyon & Healy Harps, Inc.
- M & I Music Publishing
- Magnamusic Distributors
- Major Bob Music Company, Inc.
- MakeMusic
- Makin Music, Inc.
- Manduca Music Publications
- Manhattan Beach Music
- Manna Music, Inc.
- Maranatha! Music
- Maraschino Music Company
- Marimba Productions Inc.
- Mayflower Music Corp.
- Maypop Music Group
- McKim Creek Music
- Media Press, Inc.
- Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
- Mel Tillis Enterprises
- Memory Lane Music Group
- Mercer Publications Inc.
- Meredith Music Publications
- Metal Terror Records
- Mighty Three Music d/b/a/ Gamble-Huff
- Mijen Press
- Million & One Publishing
- MMB Music, Inc.
- Mona Lisa Sound
- Moon Surfer Productions
- Morning Music Inc.
- Morris Music, Inc.
- Morton Music Pty Ltd
- Mountain Crest Music
- Mountain Peak Music
- MPL Communications, Inc.
- Music Together LLC
- Musica Propria, Inc.
- Musica Russica
- Musicians Publications
- MusicNotes, Inc.
- MusicPlace Publishing
- Muzicas Editions
- Nathan Brydn Music Company
- NDC Editions, Inc.
- Ned Gerhart Publications
- Neil A. Kjos Music Company
- Neil Larsen Publishing
- New West Music & Publishing, Inc.
- New World Enterprises of Montrose, Inc.
- NewMusicShelf
- Norman Lee Publishing, Inc.
- Northeastern Music Publications
- Notable Music Co., Inc.
- Noted for the Record
- Novus Via Music Group
- Now Sounds Music
- OCP Publications
- Octave Music Publishing Corp.
- OMI Old Manuscripts & Incunabula
- One Omik Music
- Orpheus Publications
- Orrganized Sound
- Oxford University Press
- Pacific Press Publishing
- Paraclete Press
- Pavane Publishing
- Peermusic Classical
- PerMus Percussion Publications, Inc.
- Peter Pan Music Publishing
- Philharmusica Co.
- Phoebus Publications
- Piano Productions Press
- Playroom Galaxy Music Group
- Pomus Songs, Inc.
- Posthorn Press
- Prairie Sky Music
- Praise To The Throne Publishing
- Princess Music Publishing Corp.
- Provincetown Bookshop Editions
- Pullara-Tunes
- Puna Music Company
- Quark Music Group
- Queenwood Publications
- Rainwater Music Company
- RBC Music Company Inc.
- RBC Publications
- Review & Herald Publishing Assoc.
- Riffstar Publishing
- Robert King Music Sales, Inc.
- Rockmasters Int’l. Network, Inc.
- Roeboat Music Company
- Rolltop Music
- Ron Harris Music
- Rondor Music International, Inc.
- Round Hill Music
- Royal Music Publisher
- Rusnak Music Press
- S&R Music Publishing Company
- Sailor Music/Silk Stocking Music
- Santa Barbara Music Publishing
- Scarlet Moon Music, Inc.
- Schaffner Publishing Company
- Schott Music Corp. & European American Music Dist. Co.
- Scott Music Publications
- Scott Tutt Music
- Seafarer Press
- Second Floor Music
- Seesaw Music Corp.
- Select-a-Press
- September Music Corp.
- Serenissima Music, Inc.
- Sete Music Company
- Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., Inc.
- Shawnee Press, Inc.
- Shelby Singleton Music, Inc.
- Sierra Music Publications
- Silver Clef Music
- Silver Tunes
- Skeeter Press Music
- Smart Chart Music
- Snow Music
- Somers Music Publications
- Songburd Music, LLC
- Songs for the Planet
- Songs of the Knight
- Sony Music Publishing
- Sony Pictures Music Group
- Sound Music Publications
- Sound Torque
- Southern Music Company
- Spar 1 Music
- Spectra Copyright Distribution
- Spitfire Music, Inc.
- St. Nicholas Music, Inc.
- Stainer & Bell Ltd.
- Stainless Music/Emile Music
- StarNET Music
- Starshine Music
- Steve Reid Productions
- Su-Ma Publishing Company
- Subito Music Corporation
- Supreme Enterprises International Corp.
- Susi Music
- Sweet Pipes Inc.
- T.D. Ellis Music Publishing
- T.U.X. People’s Music
- Tara Publications
- TBQ Press
- Tempo Press
- Teshmusic
- Teshuvah Music Inc.
- The Bicycle Music Company
- The Copyright Company
- The Fox Music Group
- The Frederick Harris Music Company
- The Goodman Group Music Publishers
- The Jim Henson Company
- The Learning Party
- The Lorenz Corporation
- The Loving Company
- The Lyons Partnership. L.P.
- The Musical Company
- The Newmatic Press
- Theodore Front Musical Literature, Inc.
- Theodore Presser Company
- Thomas C. Stangland Company
- Thorpe Music Publishing
- Three-Two Music Publishing
- Transcontinental Music Publications
- Transition Music Corporation
- Treble C Music
- Trillenium Music Company
- Triplo Press
- Tritone Press & Tenuto Publications
- TRO Essex Music Group
- Tuneworks Music
- Ultra International Music Publishing
- Universal Edition, Inc.
- Universal Music Publishing Group
- Up With People
- Van Heusen Music
- Vanderbilt Music Co.
- Vashti Music, Inc.
- Viola World Publications
- Vivace Press
- Walkerbout Music Group
- Warner Chappell Music
- Warner/Belwin
- Waterton Brass Music
- We Three Music Publishing, Inc.
- Web IV Music Publishing
- Western International Music
- WesTunes Music Publishing Co.
- Wild Rose Publishing Co.
- William Grant Still Music
- William H. Bauer, Inc.
- Williamson Music Co.
- Willis Music Company
- Wiltshire Music Company
- Window Music Publishing Co., Inc.
- Windy Gale Records
- Wingert-Jones Publications
- Wise Music Group
- Woodbury Music Company
- Woodsong Publishing
- Word Music
- Wrensong Publishing Corp.
- Wynwood Music Co. Inc.
- Ybarra Music
- Yelton Rhodes Music Publishers
- Yeston Music Ltd.
- Zen Archer Records
- Zondervan Music Group
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