News Page 2

Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon to be held June 17 in NYC

May 4, 2022

Please join us June 17 in New York City as we honor Irwin Z. Robinson with the Arnold Broido Award for Copyright Advocacy, vote for our Board Members-Elect, announce this year’s Revere Award winners and, most importantly, take a moment reconnect with your

2020-2021 Revere Award Winners

June 12, 2021

Congratulations to our winners and many sincere thanks to all of our publishers for submitting. Competition was fierce this year, and there was truly superb work coming from each and every publisher! Getting us back on track, the Paul Revere

Announcing the 2019-2020 Paul Revere Award Winners

April 1, 2021

Congratulations to the winners of the 2019-2020 Paul Revere Awards for Graphic Excellence!  2019-2020 Paul Revere Awards for Graphic Excellence Winners Choral Music Notesetting 1st Prize: Essential Two-Part Anthems, Volume 4 (Various), Hope Publishing Company Notesetter: Judy Nishimura Production Coordinator:

Distance Learning & Using Copyrighted Music

November 15, 2020

It’s important to know what you can and can’t do in a remote learning situation. Here you’ll find direct links to information from some of our member publishers and their individual guidelines. Please note that many publishers have their own

MPA Annual Meeting to Stream Friday, June 12

May 13, 2020

For the first time in MPA history our Annual Meeting will be held online. Please join us as we officially vote on and introduce our incoming Board of Directors and Officers. We will also get a brief legal update on

Streaming Live Music & COVID-19: What You Need to Know

April 17, 2020

Streaming is a public performance, like a broadcast. Therefore, the entity that is transmitting the stream is responsible for obtaining a public performance license.   For an audio-only, non-interactive stream of a non-dramatic performance, these licenses are available from performing right

Creating, Licensing & Distributing Authorized Orchestral Arrangements

October 29, 2019

Creating, Licensing and Distributing Authorized Orchestral Arrangements, Orchestrations and Transcriptions: An International Guide for Orchestras, Venues, Conductors, Orchestrators & Arrangers in Presenting Licensed Orchestral Film and Non-Traditional (“Pops”) Concerts Updated: May 21, 2024 Corey Field, Esq. & Robert Thompson BACKGROUND